Saturday, August 30

Poetry and mobile phone

It is easy to be nostalgic about the good old movies or music (even older). It is easy as much as it is difficult to be capable of producing a memorable movie or music in the age of mobile phones. To "fly away" today we need a clear and active determination that is against any sense of poetry.

Monday, August 25

When economics take over……. everything

It seems that Mitterand once said that he would have been the last (French) president to afford the luxury to don’t have to always make reference to economics in taking his choices.

Yesterday I was expressing my strong appreciation for Argentinean people (solely based on my personal experiences in knowing Argentineans) when a not Argentinean friend, who has been living in Buenos Aires for one year, surprisingly he said “horribles” referring to them. At my questions trying to understand where his statement came from, he explained [in details] that the deal he had to close for the company he worked for has been terribly difficult because of the (bad) business attitude of Argentineans. I’ve then asked him again what about the people and not their business attitude and he said "yes, they are fantastic".

Wednesday, August 13

Oh yes........

Since when do we do the list of the Olympic winners by number of medals? Is it really a bronze medal the same as a gold one? If you NEED to be the winner, yes………

(cfr. and